Thursday, December 20, 2007

Tis the Season - Fa La La La La La La La La

So, after reading my fellow blogger's thoughts and opinions, I felt compelled to share my thoughts and feelings around this magical season. I love being able to know that we celebrate this holiday for one single reason - the Lord Jesus Christ. Now, generally, I don't get spiritual, so I won't but I just want all to know that I am so grateful for the blessings in my life and the opportunities His life and death afford me.

Now that I've gotten the deep, heavy stuff out of the way, let's talk about the other things that really get me excited (more so than the Magic Bullet even). I love: the smell of pine, sugar cookies, krumkakes, having an excuse to wear pajamas into the afternoon, reading Christmas books to my children (especially the ones I was read as a child), knowing that I have time off of work, seeing the look on people's faces as they open presents, seeing the look on grandma Nome's face when a picture is taken, playing with the kids and all their new toys (and my toys too), having Christmas Eve dinner at the McIllece's, Christmas music, Christmas movies, and a plethora of other things that have anything to do with St. Nick, elves, Rudolph, Yukon Cornelius, tasty treats, and bright lights.

Mostly, I'm glad that I get to spend time with my loved ones.

"Fragile... must be Italian."