Monday, July 21, 2008

...and Rocko was his name-o

So, after a couple of years of not having a loving, playful, and compassionate member of our family (with four legs) we decided to get a puppy. Well, technically he's not completely ours until we pick him up in a week and a half, but we took the plunge back into dog ownership.

He's a cute, little chocolate/tan cocker spaniel and was the best looking and most curious puppy we saw over the weekend. His mother was beautiful too, and great with kids, and we're so excited.

And, the best part, he can't jump a fence... he's only going to be 15" tall at the shoulders. Seriously though, we're very happy to have a new member of the family.

Here's his pics we took yesterday when we went and picked him out...

What a handsome man... a big sweetie.

Oh yeah, and the TRUE best part, he gave me some loving little kisses when we left. What a heart melter.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

El Montana Vacacione

Ahh... the great outdoors. That's what our Montana trips are all about. We were up there for a week in Seeley Lake and got to spend time with Michelle's side of the family. Her aunts and uncles (Paula's siblings), cousins, and immediate family were all there. We floated the river in front of the cabin, went golfing, had a memorial dinner party for her Grandpa Jim, went to the lake, hiked to a waterfall and did a rope swing (phew - that's a lungful).

My favorite part was probably the rope swing we did the last day we were there. It was halfway between the Holland Lake lodge and the Holland Falls waterfall. The lake was COLD, but very refreshing and made for a great landing spot when you're swinging thirty feet in the air.

All in all it was fabulous and reminded us why we love to go there when we get the chance. Now we're thinking we need to steal away and get up there with just our family so we can stay at the cabin and enjoy it more often.

Enjoy the pics, because we enjoyed when they were being taken.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The Pic(s) of the Week

OK everyone, here goes a quick post about El Ragnar.

Had three great runs, everyone else did great, and it was another awesome time. It amazes me that when you abuse your body for 24+ hours three times that afterwards, when you're all sore and achy, that you suddenly realize that you want to do it again. Can't wait again for next year, it will be great.

BTW - here's the best shot Jaren took (I think anyways). It's me giving a farmer blow before my first leg, and yes, that little white streak you see (if you look really close) is in fact a 'farmer's rocket'.

Here's another dandy of the awesome people manning the exchange at the top of Ragnar:

And here's me handing off to Greg at the exchange:

Next posts: Montana trip and the 4th of July.