Sunday, February 22, 2009

A Celebration of Sorts... for 30!

Last night we celebrated the passage of time for Donny and Michelle as they rapidly approach 30. In attendance were Russ & Emily and there two kids; Carter and Elli, Donny & Lena and baby Cora, Emily & Eric, and then us course that Beins bunch. We played some games and enjoyed some tasty treats.

Here's the group awaiting the birthday cupcakes (those giant ones from Costco).

Here's the birthday girl and her little sidekick.

Here's where things get crazy with the cupcake challenge. Yeah - so I'm going to stuff that thing into my mouth and eat it in one bite... let's see what happens.

I think that is where my gag-reflex is fighting the cupcake entering my throat. I think I got 7/8 of the cupcake in one bite, bits and pieces fell off in the process and frosting was all over.

These are the onlookers who promptly asked, "Can we do that too?" - "No."

Conner going to attempt it until Mom steps in with the camera.

Our local videographer/jounralist - Eric did a great job capturing the evening.

Lena getting her game face on - go Team 1 and Prestige Worldwide. FYI - Prestige Worldwide won. Those are Em and Eric's heads awaiting the show.

Ahh, the birthday kids. Two cousins sharing the day of their birth together... again, one more time. And to think Michelle was almost name Marie. Phew.

It was a fun night, glad everyone could come over and hang out. Now the fun of the week lies ahead of us. Oh wait, it's not going to be that fun.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

D-LAND 2009

Hey everybody - we're back and still in one piece (barely). After spending four jam-packed days at Disneyland it's good to be back home and sleeping in our own beds. If I were to rate this trip on a grading scale, it would be a B+. Why B+? Let me break it down:
~~ Hotel = C
~~ Food = B
~~ Rides = A
~~ Line Wait Time = B+
~~ Kid's Behavior = B
~~ Mom & Dad's Anger Management = B+
~~ Drive There = A
~~ Drive Home = D-

Add it all up and you've got yourself a pretty good trip.

First day we went into California Adventure and met our friends, Joe & Jenny and their kids, and hung out there for a couple of hours. We then crossed on over to good ol' Disneyland to finish out the day.

I think this is the first trip where we've been to Disneyland and have actually gotten on almost all the rides we wanted to (and some we didn't even plan on).

Easton is now tall enough to get on a lot of them too, and that caused a new sense of adventure and excitement. He rode Tower of Terror the first day. He then proclaimed it was "too fun to ride again". He ended up stating that all of the roller coasters were his favorite rides.

This year we also (finally) got some pictures of the kids with the characters from the movies. We went to breakfast on Friday to Chip and Dale's at the Grand California where the kids had fun watching, and participating, in all of the commotion. So much that they didn't eat much of the pricey breakfast that comes with the up close character encounters.

As I was enjoying my breakfast and trying to eat my $$$ worth I feel this large mammal press against my thigh. It was Dale. Crazy rascal. I have to give myself props however for being able to recognize the difference between the two. He too appreciated it and gave me a good pat on the back.

Conner and Koda hanging out at breakfast. I think this was before they started doing the conga line around the restaurant and singing songs.

Bear, meet bear. Wait, which is which? Oh yeah, Easton, meet Koda. Yes, these two have quite striking similarities. Hibernation, irritate easily, cuddle nicely, and seem to be adored by people (from afar). We love him, we really do, I promise.

Ella and Cinderella. The picture doesn't capture how excited she actually was. Personally though, I think she likes Sleeping Beauty or Belle more.

Everything was going great until Monday morning as we were headed back to SLC. We got to Cajon Pass right outside of LA and they decided to close I-15 right before we got there. Then, after spening about 5 hours in Fontana (at Target and then a movie) we were finally able to get back on the road. Then we hit Vegas rush hour in a construction zone, a snow storm between St. George and Cedar City, and then finally around midnight we rolled in.

I think this will tide us over until April when we hit the sunny, sandy beaches of Maui. Aloha.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Oh... what a cute boy

Big sweetie boy!!!

Yes, the dog is who I'm talking about. It's been a while since we've put up some pics of our cute little Cocker, Rocko. And, we probably owe him a post since emasculating him last Friday and taking any chance he ever had of raising children of his own.

He's now about 8 months old and is the best dog ever for us (out of the two we've had). Honestly, he minds pretty good, cuddles well, is great with kids, and doesn't jump fences. He doesn't even take off down the road when he's outside.

He enjoys smelly things, chewing on bones, ripping stuffing out of his toys, cleaning up food that drops on the floor, and pressing his wet nose against your face in the morning.

What a keeper!!! But we need to get him a haircut soon because he's looking a little Ewok-ish.