Tuesday, February 26, 2008


My wonderful wife, Michelle, is now 29 years old like myself. To me, 29 is an important number and is an important milestone in life. One more year and we're 30. Why am I writing this... well, I feel blessed to have such a great life at 29. My wife is awesome, I'm in the best shape of my life (thanks Word of Wisdom... and exercise), and I have a great family.

2+9 = 11

11 = my birth month, and birth day

1+1 = 2, or 2 happy people together

Basically, this is a post about happiness and how thankful I am for my wife. I love her.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Just in Case You're Wondering...

SO, thanks for the comments and hoorah-ing for the 10K. To let you all know, the course was nice and flat, the weather was great on Saturday, and I had an awesome cold. Nonetheless, I think I have set the bar for myself on all 10K's to follow. I finished the race with a 7:50 min/mile pace - a nice 10 seconds below what I was aiming for. So, as I continue to train for WB, I can finally say that running hills and inclines and in the cold did me well.

As for WB - I might even be considering the Ragnar leg... we'll see. Have to keep the craziness up.

More to come later this week...

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Admission is the first step...

I'm depressed, confused, tired, and let down right now. My Patriots lost in the Superbowl in the last minutes of the game. This is the first time I've talked about it freely, and it still pains me. I don't know when I'll get over it. I still can't believe it happened and it's like a bad nightmare. I don't know if I have the energy or will to wait another year to see what happens. I'm bummed.

Well, on another note, things are going OK and I've got a 10K coming up this weekend out at Saltair. We'll see how it goes and how I do. I've received a stinking cold in the past couple of days and have been wheezing and heaving when attempting to exercise. Only the strong... I will do it.

So, nothing else really new. Oh, except we got a new camera, a Canon Rebel XT SLR. It's super snazzy and I will post some pics shortly that were taken with it.