Monday, September 22, 2008

The Three Stooges

AKA... Conner, Easton, and Ella

The Ham-Bones. Picture Posers. Camera Cuties. Kodak Kids. Fake smile on demand. Basically, these kids have been throwing poses and grins the camera's way since they popped out into this world. There are just daily occurrences at our home, just chillin' and grinnin'.

Ella and Conner playing on the floor.

Conner and his nice cut on the eye. Why does he have a cut you ask? Because Easton threw Rocko on his face.

Easton waiting for someone to pull out a piece of his electrical chewing gum. (It really shocks, and hurts!)

She's either very mesmerized at the moment, or someone told her she'd get taffy if she stared into the camera.

Allen's Big 6-0 Birthday Party

Howdy y'all - just a quick update on how it's been since last post.

The weekend went very well, we relaxed, cleaned out the garage and watched some great football games. Then on Sunday we had Michelle's dad's birthday party at our house. It was his sixtieth and he took it in fair stride (as he always does). Here's some pics of the party.

Grandpa with all the grandkids. Is that eye cream Preston is holding? ;-)

Paula and Allen... keep smilin'.

I wonder what he's wishing for???

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Let's try and get together more often...

Me and this blog, that is. Trying to get this to a weekly thing at least, and if you're lucky, more often.

Let's see... nothing new really happening this week. A new exception for this week is I'm coming out of my cave to sell on eBay again. About once a year I list a few things just to refresh myself on the ins and outs of how to do it. Oh, and to make some $$$ of old stuff lying around. It's a win-win (win).

Rocko is being a little turd lately. He's decided that it's OK to pee on the porch when we let him outside instead of walking all of the way to the grass. Oh well, he'll learn... or he better. Here's a little more recent pic of him with some of his facial hair out of the way. He still looks like an Ewok.

And, going through our pictures from the summer I saw this one that made me think of how easy it is to doctor a photo to make a bigfoot. Or, in this case, a baby bigfoot. All you'd need to do is cover Easton with a fur shading and voila - there it is, right in the mountains of southern Idaho.

See ya later, until next blog.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Been a Long Time Since I Rocked this Blog

So, what's up my peeps in Blogsville? What's new with us you ask? Well, if you can tell by the lack of blogging... not much. We're happily content with our boring lives, doing little during the week and on the weekends and have no exciting announcements to make in our lives. The closest thing I've got is my little brother's life, and he's getting married.

Small news since late July-
>> Rocko is bigger and behaving and learning well
>> We canned salsa and jam (raspberry and strawberry)
>> We went to Park City for a weekend (that was fun)
>> I'm in a new position at eBay (lots o' fun and lots o' math - you really DO use it in real life)
>> Kids are back in school again (again)
>> Planted more stuff in the yard

Well, that's about it. Not real fantasmical around here. Perhaps something will strike me and I'll post it. Other than that, I'm a slacker with a capital S.