We're still alive in Blogland... barely. I had to ask a homeless guy to give me mouth to mouth just to bring this thing back to life. But, because I'm dedicated, and didn't mind the taste of aqua velva, listerine, and egg mcmuffins in my mouth - I bring you this very special message.
Peace on Earth this season. Wouldn't it be great? We can wish,but as my Dad used to say- "you can sh*% in one hand and wish in the other, and see which one fills up first". Looks like it's up to all of us to bring peace then.
So, what have we been up to you ask? Well, you see, it's pretty complicated... nothing. Yeah, nothing. Just doing to same old stuff. Work, family, activities. Nothing that really warrants an excuse for being away from blogging this long.
And, because I haven't done this in so long, my fingers are now tired and I bid you adieu. Here's a recent pic of the family. My, how they're growing. I just want to pinch their cheeks (Michelle's too - if you know what I mean ;P ).