Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Wife Tag: Michell-o-Rama

So, thanks for the tag Emily, here's the down low on the wife for all to know.

What is her name?
Michelle Hope (McIllece) Beins

How long have you been married? 7 1/2 years (June 2000)

How long did you date? 4-5 months, but we were friends (with benefits, not those kind) in high school

How old is she? 28, 29 next month (Feb. 25th)

Who eats more? Me

Who said "I love you" first? Me

Who is taller? Me

Who sings better? Me

Who is smarter? She is (think about that answer and then let me know what you think ;) )

Whose temper is worse? Mine, although she does have her moments.

Who does the laundry? She washes, I fold.

Who does the dishes? Both of us, probably a little more her than me though.

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Define right? Looking at the bed: I do. Sleeping in the bed: she does. (Can you tell I'm analytical?)

Who pays the bills? We both do (but mine are usually the online ones)

Who mows the lawn? I do, she is not allowed to any longer

Who cooks dinner? Michelle 95% of the time

Who drives when you are together? Me

Who is more stubborn? Michelle, her way or the highway (but don't tell her I said that).

Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Me

Whose parents do you see the most? Michelle's (mine live in Idaho)

Who proposed? I did

Who has more friends? Michelle

Who wears the pants in the family? Michelle does (and she looks damn fine in them)

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Quick Update - SB XLII

So, if people don't know, I'm a Patriots fan. Not one of those, hey these guys are pretty good and they help my fantasy team out so I think I'll root for them. But one of those, "don't F-ing talk to me if they lose I've witnessed too many losing, let-down seasons" kind of fans. Now, I know that's what most band wagoners are going to say - so whatever. Do they have the 1998 Tedy Bruschi jersey with the different style than they do now? Didn't think so. What about team Crocs? Spending $2K to go to Boston to see a game? ...Nuff said.

With that said, I want to make a statement: The Pats are going to win come Feb. 3rd. It might be by a little (like last time against the Giants), or a lot, but either way they're going to win. And I'll tell you why... their minds and bodies are so well tuned and harmonious that they won't let themselves to go 18-1.

Hate me if you will for loving them, but love me for never hating them.

Pats 28 - Giants 24

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

A video that makes you think...

So, I am on the "Green Team" here at eBay, which tries to focus on doing things for our work community and the community we live in. Things like water conservation, reducing carbon footprints, recycling, etc. One of the persons on the team then sent out this little video about "stuff" and how we Americans use it.

I have to admit, this is a little left as far as the person, but the message is loud and clear - republican, democrat, liberal, or whatever. I strongly urge those who read this blog to watch this short, 20 minute video and think about your own contribution to "stuff". I know it made me think about some of the habits and tendencies I have and if they're really required.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Happy Newer Year!

Hey everybody - hope you all had a great holiday. I know we did, and I've got a few pics to share with you all. We enjoyed Christmas dinner with the McIllece extended clan and playing some Puerto Rico with Donny and Lena.

This new year brings some reflection opportunities and a chance to re-assess where I am in life. The good news, I've been working on being healthier and exercising more frequently for the past year and it has carried over well. Some things I'd like to work on, though, are saving more $$$, having FHE more often, and becoming a more patience person. All of this will require a fundamental change in organization.

Here's the kids at Christmas - such cuties.

It's (L to R) Conner, Easton, Dylan, Preston, and Ella. I don't know where Jordyn escaped to during this picture, but she's there somewhere, maybe buried in wrapping paper.

Here's Easton at his Christmas program giving his part for "The Night Before Christmas". He was the loudest presenter and singer for the whole program.

This was me and Ella for her 2nd birthday party. How do you like those bows that Michelle put in her hair? That's what I thought, totally girly, but I love it. She's such a cute stinker.

This is Ella laying on her Dora blanket that she got. Talk about an obsession. I wish I were the one who came up with Dora, talk about $$$ merchandising genius.

That's her opening her presents with Mom, with Grandpa watching on in amazement at how a 2 year old already knows how to rip through presents.

Well, not much else going on lately. Just livin...

Post to you all later.