Thursday, January 24, 2008

Quick Update - SB XLII

So, if people don't know, I'm a Patriots fan. Not one of those, hey these guys are pretty good and they help my fantasy team out so I think I'll root for them. But one of those, "don't F-ing talk to me if they lose I've witnessed too many losing, let-down seasons" kind of fans. Now, I know that's what most band wagoners are going to say - so whatever. Do they have the 1998 Tedy Bruschi jersey with the different style than they do now? Didn't think so. What about team Crocs? Spending $2K to go to Boston to see a game? ...Nuff said.

With that said, I want to make a statement: The Pats are going to win come Feb. 3rd. It might be by a little (like last time against the Giants), or a lot, but either way they're going to win. And I'll tell you why... their minds and bodies are so well tuned and harmonious that they won't let themselves to go 18-1.

Hate me if you will for loving them, but love me for never hating them.

Pats 28 - Giants 24

1 comment:

condiefamily said...

Loyalty is an admirable quality. Go Pats!