Friday, June 12, 2009

Easton's Kindergarten Program

So, I'm not going lie, this was a pretty normal program. What makes it interesting is my kid. Ok, that was biased, but seriously - Easton is one of the funniest kids I know with how he acts and the things he does crack me up.

Take this clip for example, he has to wave the flag for the July song, and during the whole thing he's waving, but it's a distracted wave. Maybe he's thinking about what he wants to eat for dinner, or who to play with, or... what are the words to this song. Regardless, it's amusing (to me anyways) how he just stares at me video taping this like expecting something.

Enjoy this as your children prepare for kindergarten... too funny.

BTW, at the end I pan away because the baby in front me was waving arms frantically to the song and it was cute. Sorry for the sloppy camera work.


Brenna said...

Adorable Eric. Again, you have captured priceless childhood moments. That will be perfect for embarassing him when he gets girlfriends. :)

Rick said...

I like the twirly-loos he threw in there.