So, the other day I thought it would be funny to ask Michelle (out of true sincerity) what she did all day. This, as you can imagine, was interpreted as; "what do you do all day (with obvious undertones, not implied, of her not doing anything all day)?"
I received the scowl of death and then proceeded to dig myself further into the hole asking if she had noticed the pile of stuff next to her side of the bed that hadn't moved for weeks. D'oh, what an idiot I am. Obviously I was curious if it was cleaning that she did.
Bottom line, two things: 1) my wife does LOTS of things all day both fun and laborious, and 2) I owe her a continuous apology for probably the next year. I love her and all she does.
The reason for this post, I saw a book cover for a children's book and it made me think of it.
Um - could you pass this along to every man in the world? Too funny. At least you realized your mistake - most men don't.
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Hey guys I was checking out your blog and noticed and I never gave you our updated blog address. If you'd like it, it's now are a good man!
You have an informative blog. I’ve learned something from it. I do have mine too Thanks
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