Tuesday, October 30, 2007

What's your Pirate Name?

My pirate name is:

Iron Tom Bonney

A pirate's life isn't easy; it takes a tough person. That's okay with you, though, since you a tough person. You can be a little bit unpredictable, but a pirate's life is far from full of certainties, so that fits in pretty well. Arr!

Get your own pirate name from piratequiz.com.
part of the fidius.org network

Friday, October 19, 2007

Just Something to Think About

It's Friday, it's been a long week, and I have hit a wall as far as trying to get motivated at work and kick some serious butt. So, what do I do to try and get over these humps? (Besides thinking about not doing them and what the consequences would be.) I walk away from my desk for a little bit, chit chat with some people, come back to my desk, sit down and.... watch TV shows online. What?!?! Were you expecting something more motivational?

Well, let me explain. By washing my brain completely of everything I was thinking of before, this allows me to "veg". Once I've had a good "vegging", I strap on my headphones, crank up some Jimi Hendrix, and pound out a good 30-45 minutes of work. Then the cycle repeats. WARNING - don't try this if you have specific goals to meet by the hour, or day. I can get away with this for two reasons: I'm much smarter than anyone else in my group and therefore good at what I do, and I can type and think really fast, so that 30-45 minutes of work actually equates to about 4 hours of someone else.

What's the point in this blog. Nothing... except maybe it gave you enough time to start clearing your head. Now, go here and finish the job, and then get back to work.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Nuff Said

When I arrived home yesterday from work I was greeted by a couple of wonderful things. One immediately upon walking into the door, and the other while I was preparing dinner for the fam. The first was a nice, odorous "poo" that Conner had left in the upstairs bathroom that clogged the toilet and had been waiting for me to plunge it out. (Thanks, son, now you get to watch and learn how to do this so I don't have to again).

The second was Easton holding his "pee" for so long while playing outside that when he was called inside for dinner and went to the bathroom, it couldn't wait the additional 12 inches to the toilet and he let it go all over the bathroom floor downstairs. At this point, trying to keep my cool because he likes to do this every once in a while, I merely send him upstairs to change while I start cleaning away.

So, all in all, kids are wonderful because they test your patience and give you the opportunity to teach them the lessons of life. I suppose they think these things are funny, because after all, who doesn't laugh when you say "poo"?

BTW, this photo is of toys made in the UK. Some people and their potty humor.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

One Month Later...

Hola everyone, it's been a while since I've updated this blog. Needless to say we've been pretty busy around our house(s). We've finally got a place of our own again and are officially Rivertonians (or maybe it's Rivertonites). Regardless, we are SO excited to be in our new home and to be able to do our own things again. I will have to post some pics for peoples to see.

I think that within the next few weeks we are going to have to have a little shin dig and invite friends and family over to check it out. That is if I can actually get a hold of some stinking landscape guys to do some quick work.

On all other fronts life is pretty much the same. Michelle and I will be going to Boston at the end of the month to go to a Patriots game and check out the city. I can't wait... viva los Patriotos.

Well, work is calling... literally, who is this number?